Tuesday 25 October 2011

history of computer games part two

history of computer games part two

1980s beging of arcades and the end in 1980 the amzing game space invaders came out on the atari
moving on from spacewar in the 70s came space invaders even more futuristic but i can see how the influences went on , atari a very renown games concsole at the time that in 1982 released the atari 5200 wich had great games that have evolved massivly since like donkey kong and mario to name a few
also another massive game in the 1980 resleaswed by namco is PACMAN  which is one of my all time favourite arcade games if i ever walk past one in an arcade i always have to have a quick go i even downloaded it to my phone  but pacman was a huge influence in game coulture and in my opinon a big landmark in games history aswell as spaceinvaders 

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